D9: Short Film II

It is a known fact that young citizens receive the majority of information via media other than written sources. Pictures, movement, and sound were the most common elements for enhancing messages sent. Therefore, the partners of the LEAP believed that any activity targeting the young citizens should have taken into account this premise. They recognized that the best way to communicate the aim of the EU simulations to a wider public was through films. The first film that was shot at the EU Simulation in Prishtina aimed to foster a broader EU awareness by resorting to the power of films in human experience and displaying a hands-on experience of the EU through a short film.

Dissemination and exploitation of results are an integral part of the Erasmus+ project throughout its lifetime: from the beneficiary's initial idea, during the project and even after European funding has ended.
- Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2020

Short film of the EU Simulation II in August 2023.
Afrim Hoti

P2: University of Prishtina, Hasan Prishtina (UP)

Project Partners


Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

